Monday, January 12, 2015

It's Monday again!

Here it is Monday again! Monday January 12, 2015 and I'm busy on my laptop working for my sister's store. Carolyn's Gifts and Home Decor.

I spoke with my sister Carolyn yesterday and I should be receiving pictures of 4 new pillows she has just made.

My sister's company is a small one out of her home in Kelso, WA where she lives with her husband Bill and their sweet princess Peanut, (their doggie). 

I'm new to this whole Blogging thing so keep that in mind if you see anything strange, or why did she do that stuff! Baa ha ha!!!  It's only me crazy Aunt Lindy, (as my sister Carolyn's grand kids call me), but I'm not crazy I'm just having fun, mix it up a little bit....sell my sisters handmade items online and make people smile.

It makes my day when I've made someone smile or laugh!

I'm trying to keep my busy schedule for working online for my sister at various sites such as Twitter (@lindyb2014), at Thumblr (@lindyb01), at Pinterest (Carolyn's Gifts and Home Decor), at Etsy (Carolyn's Gifts and Home Decor) and on Facebook (Carolyn's Gifts and Home Decor page). Wow wee Mr. McGee dat's a lot of places to keep updated, (at least it is for me this brain farting gal). 

What's a brain fart you say???.....Well Bell I'll tell's when you forget what your doing or something your doing or to do....pretty easy when you forget you can say.....I had a brain fart! 

Just a little humor, maybe not the most professional post but we all have to have fun sometimes and why can't we mix business with humor! Right??.....right!

But truly Bloggers my sister does hand make and sell quality handmade items online. Her main places for sales is on Etsy so check out her store if you have time.'s back to work for my sister on this foggy Monday on the Coast of Fort Bragg, CA.

Take care and thanks for stopping by Carolyn's Gifts and Home Decor's Blog!! Don't hesitate to leave a comment on any post I've done, we like hearing from you.


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